
Research on the a priori of Physics

Geometric Critique of Pure Mathematical Reasoning

A test Idea is :

A display of an active cyclic oscillating subton idea* expressed in a Minkowski helicity diagram using the basis set of gamma unit 1-vectors of the Geometric Space-Time Algebra⁴ introduced by David Hestenes back in 1966, miming the space-time form structure of the Dirac matrices.

It is essential to remark, that the concept orthogonality and the concept perpendicular display has no similarity in a Minkowski display. In that two qualitative different directions: space and time that is orthogonal can be displayed parallel in a diagram.


* The subton idea is invented to describe the substantial structure of one photon quantum angular momentum oscillation, viewed  as one fundamental subject in the universal substance of Nature.

To be continued - 2023 -

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